From Rosreestr (a database with information about real estate owners in Russia), the data of members of the group of poisoners Alexei Navalny disappeared. On this draws the attention of Navalny’s team of investigators.
“We found and confirmed Oleg Tayakin’s address thanks to Rosreestr. Today we could not do this – the records of his apartment have been completely deleted. Such a property simply does not exist, ”the authors of the investigation write. The apartment and the plot in the Moscow region of the head of the poisoning team – general, head of the Center for Special Equipment of the FSB of Russia, Vladimir Bogdanov, have also been removed from the Federal Register.
“As for the rest of the poisoners, their names were simply changed to“ Russian Federation ”. Aleksandrov, Kudryavtsev, Makshakov, Vasiliev are no longer displayed in Rosreestr. Panyaev’s parents were also removed from Rosreestr. This is because a murderer son is registered in their apartment, ”the authors note.
However, the list of people with deleted data is not limited to one FSB team; many other people associated with the authorities were included in it.