Initially, the communists planned to hold a rally. However, the mayor’s office of Kyzyl refused Communist Party, referring to the epidemiological situation. Moreover, according to Taiga Info, employees of the Center “E” of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the organizers and warned them “about the inadmissibility of extremist actions.”
“The rally was planned to be attended by 150 people, but due to restrictions and huge fines, we did not ask for trouble,” said Roman Tamoev, first secretary of the Communist Party Republican Committee. “Instead, we will hold one-man pickets.”
Tuva for several years ahead of other regions by poverty level. So, in 2017 this indicator in the republic was 41.5%, and in 2018 it only slightly decreased to 40.1%. We are talking about the percentage of the population whose income is below the subsistence level. In 2020, Tuva again became the region with the largest proportion of the population living below the poverty line (34.7%).
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