In the new concept of teaching the school course of general history, it was decided not to focus on the history of Europe, so that schoolchildren would study the past of other parts of the world. About it write Vedomosti, citing academician, scientific director of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, co-chairman of the Russian Historical Society (RIO) Alexander Chubaryan. According to the publication, the development of a new concept is almost complete.
“The concept defines the main approaches to teaching the subject and contains a historical and cultural standard with a list of major events, dates and personalities from the course of the history of the world from primitive society to the present day, which schoolchildren should know,” writes the publication.
Chubaryan explains that the authors of the concept will move away from “Eurocentrism” – the worldview setting, according to which Europe is the center of world culture and civilization.
Now in the lessons of world history, according to Vedomosti, the emphasis is often placed on events within the borders of Europe, and in the new concept a significant place is allocated to Asia, Africa and Latin America.
According to Vedomosti, after the approval of the concept of the Ministry of Education, school teachers will have to independently develop a work program, since the standard provides only a minimum list of events, based on which teachers should draw up a course of study.
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