Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan appealed to Russia with a request to help protect the territorial integrity of the country. About it informs Interfax.
This happened after the outbreak of fighting on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Yerevan appeals to Moscow on the basis of a 1997 treaty between the countries. Grigoryan noted that Armenia asks to resolve the crisis situation through negotiations, and if this is impossible, “then provide Armenia with sufficient military assistance so that Armenia could reach a solution to this situation.”
Earlier today, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announced that the armed forces of Azerbaijan “undertook another provocation” and fired at the Armenian positions. How stated in the department, the Azerbaijani military used artillery and armored vehicles. The Armenian Defense Ministry reported four wounded and several dead.
At the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan statedthat the armed forces of Armenia staged a “large-scale provocation” and “with the aim of seizing heights” at the border fired at Azerbaijani positions from mortars and artillery. Two Azerbaijani soldiers were reportedly injured.
November 10 marks one year since the end of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan and Armenia signed an agreement to end the war with the mediation of Russia.
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