“This is the dirtiest election of all that I have seen over the past many years, it’s just some kind of hell – total falsification at home voting, the absence of registers. Social workers massively merge some fictitious people and real pensioners in PECs, which are not formalized in any way. If there are observers, then out of 100 people vote 0, and if there are no observers, then 100 out of 100.
Complaints are not satisfied absolutely in any way: “to refuse because to refuse” in direct contradiction with the law.
Observers filed dozens, hundreds of complaints. There are many formal violations, which concern, in particular, the way the home voting registers are formalized. This is a tricky thing, but it is very important. According to the law, in order to avoid the leakage of personal data, a member of the election commission puts his signature when he accepts the application (clause 24 of article 66, Federal Law 67). An application for a home vote is submitted in person, through a relative or a social worker, it is necessary to enter the details of the person who submitted this application. For example, if you want to transfer an application through me, then you need to enter my full name, place of residence, phone number and other data, and the person who enters them fills in the time, his full name and signs.
In these elections, everything is simpler: just Excel tablets with fictitious people: 400 people in one area, all live in neighboring apartments, each of which has 4 people. Observers come to these addresses, but none of them are there. All this is on the video, complaints are written about all this.
The chairman of one of the commissions by the name of Sarma suggested to us today: “Let’s do it this way. If you want to cancel the results in this section, let us throw in a ballot and cancel the result, and you will not raise a storm in other sections. ” It’s on the record.
The calculation of the results is almost finished, but the results are not entered into the GAS “Vybory”. This is done in order to be able to send PECs for recount if they understand that the candidates from Smart Voting are winning, and United Russia is suffering a big defeat. This is a well-known technology: without observers, early in the morning, in several hands, so that there are different results.
Several hours have already passed since the end of the voting. Everything has already been calculated, simply not entered into the system, from which it will not be possible to remove traces of interference. Obviously, they are waiting for an understanding of whether electronic voting will help falsify the results, block the wave of popular support that candidates opposing United Russia have.
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