Timestamps from yesterday’s broadcast:
00:00 Beginning of broadcast.
00:36 On the air of the Russia of the Future program Ruslan Shaveddinov and Georgy Alburov.
01:33 Support us and our work. Become a Channel Sponsor: https://www.youtube.com/channe…
02:30News about Alexei Navalny.
07:30 How Navalny announced his return to Russia: https://youtu.be/S_cwZfsszdQ
12:31 Detention of Navalny at Sheremetyevo Airport.
18:40 Journey to Putin’s Palace: https://youtu.be/cLqP7luHqYQ
20:40The most dangerous extremists in Russia.
21:46 “You are really on the list with outright thugs. The dude from above killed someone from you, the dude from below killed someone, and Putin just doesn’t like you.”
26:36And what about the Portuguese?
29:17 Pavel Elizarov on the disclosure of personal data of oppositionists from Russia.
34:19 “Abramovich, of course, understands that he shares money with Putin and with the help of this he enriches himself. But at the same time, he wants to live in Europe, where nothing threatens his private property, where everything is protected by law, where the rights of citizens are respected.”
38:36COVID news.
41:00 Mishustin called on employers to transfer employees to remote work if possible.
43:39 “Less than 50 percent are vaccinated with two doses, not because Russians do not believe in COVID, but because there is no faith in the state. The state is constantly lying. For every little thing.”
48:17Government support for the poor.
50:52WWW / Leningrad.
57:19 “Shnurov had a good position, there was some respect for him, at least it was not disgusting to go to Shnurov’s concerts. Now he just sold out entirely to Prigogine.”
01:00:33 How the cultural capital of Russia turned into a big ice rink.
01:02:22ICAO report.
01:06:05Who owns Kuzbass?
01:06:32 Roman Badanin, editor-in-chief of the Agency publication, is on the air of the Russia of the Future program.
01:07:40 Roman Badanin about the new investigation of the Agency: https://www.agents.media/anna-tsivileva
01:17:42 Roman Badanin on future investigations of the Agency.
01:22:18 “Corruption is really very much. And it is growing faster than the increase in the number of people who investigate it, there is really enough work for everyone. But without your support, neither we nor Important Stories nor The Agency will survive.”
01:23:55 Golden Madness. Real photos of Putin’s palace: https://youtu.be/OjYl1xvssJY
01:26:47 What the bedroom and bathroom of Vladimir Putin look like.
01:29:33 What does Putin’s theater look like?01:31:52 Hookah Vladimir Putin.
01:34:45 “The palace is still financed by Putin’s friends: Chemezov, Sechin, Tokarev, but there is no Rotenberg. The man who a year ago said that it was all his, never showed up. His whole connection with the palace is just to appear once in the frame, to say that this is his, and that’s it.
01:38:25 Russia for the sad.
01:40:08 “We must not lose our sense of reality. A feeling that allows us to distinguish the absurd from the non-absurd, which allows us to distinguish justice from injustice. Putin’s whole policy is that he inspires people that the truth allegedly does not exist, that everyone lies, but this is not so.
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