During a regular visit to her, the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, supervising Varvara Karaulova, threatened to fabricate a case on violation of the conditions of administrative supervision. “One of them said that if he was sent next time, he would record that she was not at home. It’s easier than knocking on the door. ” told lawyer Sergei Badamshin with reference to Karaulova’s husband Oleg Eliseev. Badamshin stressed that for violation of the conditions of supervision Karaulova faces a real term of imprisonment.
Since the beginning of 2022, the Moscow police have increased supervision over Varvara Karaulova, who has been under observation for more than a year as “prone to terrorism.” She is forbidden to leave her home from 23:00 to 06:00. Previously, the police checked Karaulova only three or four times a month, but since this year, Interior Ministry officers began to come to her every night, and on Christmas night they visited the supervised young mother twice. A knock on the door wakes up the whole family of Karaulova, including her eight-month-old child.
Moscow City Duma Deputy Sergei Mitrokhin in this regard prepared a request addressed to the head of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. “The torture by surveillance turned out to be so painful that the torturers themselves could not stand it. Who gives the order to use it and on whose direction? ” – Mitrokhin is outraged.
In May 2015, a student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, Varvara Karaulova, tried to get into Syria, where Islamic State militants were operating. However, the Russian woman was detained at the Turkish border after her father turned to the FSB for help. Karaulova was returned to Russia, and later a criminal case was opened against her.
The student was convicted under the article on preparing to participate in the activities of a terrorist organization, although she explained her trip to the Middle East with a desire to reunite there with her lover whom she met on the Internet. In 2016, Karaulova was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison.
In 2019, the convict was released on parole. After that, Karaulova married her lawyer Oleg Eliseev. In the summer of 2020, the court established it is under administrative supervision, which will operate until 2029.