In the Stavropol Territory, 49-year-old Kairbek Bakiev from the village of Tukui-Mekteb was detained. By data Telegram channel “Beware of the news”, security officials believe that he is a terrorist from the gang of Shamil Basayev, who has been hiding for more than 20 years.
As the newspaper writes, for the last 20 years he worked as a tractor driver, “he did not hide much and even led social networks.”
Security officials believe that Kairbek participated in an armed attack on the Botlikh region of Dagestan as part of Basayev’s gang. He should be charged with hostage-taking, banditry, participation in an organized criminal group, theft of weapons and encroachment on the life of a police officer.
Now he was delivered to the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the North Caucasus Federal District.
Shamil Basayev organized a number of high-profile terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation. He was included in the lists of terrorists of the UN, the US Department of State and the European Union. He was declared the number 1 terrorist in Russia by the Russian authorities.
According to the FSB, Shamil Basayev himself was liquidated on the night of July 10, 2006 in the area of the village. Ekazhevo (Nazran district of Ingushetia) after the explosion of a truck with weapons and ammunition accompanied by him.
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