The security guards called the police, but the girl’s father continued to shout and wave his arms. Then it was closed in the nearest auditorium.
How told “Lente.ru” the press secretary of the faculty, Alexander Dolgikh, the girl’s father did not beat the guards, but “hurt one of those who tried to stop him by shoving him with all his weight.”
“Before that, he had been sitting quietly for an hour, waiting, having accepted the position that only Alice could pass the exam. He was sent all the rules of the examination procedure, with which he agreed. Therefore, I cannot tell you what requirements he had. He did not voice them. He was just trying to break through to the teachers and staff of the educational unit. What for? It’s unclear, ”she explained.
In addition, the spokeswoman added that all this was happening in front of the other students of the faculty.
At the age of eight, Alisa Teplyakova passed the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, profile mathematics, biology and computer science, after which she applied to the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. The girl entered the university on a commercial basis and began her studies in September.
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