In Khabarovsk, a court fined journalist Tatyana Khlestunova 30 thousand rubles under an article of disrespect for the authorities (part 3 of Article 20.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation) because of the obscene ditty “About Misha and Vova.” About it informs project “Network Freedoms”.
An administrative case against Khlestunova was initiated in September of this year on the basis of a report by Police Colonel V.V. Morozov. He found that on the journalist’s Instagram page there was information “expressed in an indecent form, offending human dignity and public morality, a clear disrespect for society, namely Khlestunova reads (sings) a poem containing obscene language.”
The court, in turn, considered that the speech in the ditty performed by Tatyana was about the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Mikhail Degtyarev and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
Earlier, Tatyana Khlestunova was arrested twice after rallies in support of the arrested ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergei Furgal, where she worked as a special correspondent for the independent publication Prosto Gazeta.
The journalist went on a hunger strike for 13 days to protest the arrests. This attracted the attention of the local human rights ombudsman, and the court subsequently dropped the case against Khlestunova.
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