Court of the Railway District of Vitebsk in Belarus admitted The Telegram channel of political analyst Artyom Shraibman “Shraibman” is extremist.
In a conversation with The Insider, Schreibman noted that this decision was quite expected. “All relatively notable political Telegram channels that do not support the Belarusian authorities are sooner or later recognized as extremist in Belarus. This is a way to reduce their audience due to the fact that people will be afraid to subscribe, share information. The information struggle is such that the authorities are waging, ”he said.
According to him, the audience of the channel “is still growing, and at a leaps and bounds.” “In Telegram, statistics are like a cannon shot up, because everyone shares and urges to subscribe. I don’t know what the long term effect will be. This does not affect my work in any way, ”the political scientist noted.
He also said that he had not been in Belarus for six months, so he was not personally in danger.