The Federal Penitentiary Service for the Saratov Region turned off the video surveillance cameras in the colonies so that human rights defenders could not see what was happening in the correctional facilities. About it informs Gulagu.net.
According to human rights activists, until today they had online access to surveillance cameras in the Saratov colonies. Human rights activists are confident that the shutdown of the cells is connected with the impending beating of prisoners by the security forces.
“We watched online what was happening in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Saratov region and saw what this ‘FSIN commission’ was doing there. And now they have knocked out the CCTV cameras and want to massively beat those who filed complaints about torture, press huts and violence in OTB-1 and SIZO-1, ”reports Gulagu.net.
Recall that in early October, human rights defenders reportedthat they had more than 40 GB of video, documents and photos at their disposal. These files testify to cases of mass torture in Russian penitentiary institutions. The inmates were raped and beaten, and they extorted money and information using torture. The project manager, Vladimir Osechkin, said that he received a video from a former prisoner-programmer, Sergei, who “was beaten and tortured himself, and then they decided to use it as a professional.”
After publications in the media, the IC department for the Saratov region excited a criminal case under the article on violent acts of a sexual nature committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. Head of the Saratov Federal Penitentiary Service resigned.
Programmer Sergei Savelyev, who handed over a video archive of torture of prisoners to human rights defenders, was wanted. November 10, the prosecutor’s office of the Saratov region stopped proceedings in a criminal case on disclosure of classified information, initiated against Savelyev.
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