Timecodes of yesterday’s broadcast:
00:00 The broadcast starts.
00:40 Kira Yarmysh and Georgy Alburov are on the air of the Russia of the Future program.
01:36 Kira Yarmysh on the “sanitary case”.
05:46❗Repressions in Belarus.
06:21 “Timing doesn’t matter. This is the same as with Alexei: he was now given 2.5 years, but we all understand perfectly well that they can extend this term at any time by coming up with new criminal cases. Our task for the people in Belarus is to resist as actively as possible the regime that illegally forces people to be in prison ”.
08:15 🎥 Maria Kolesnikova and Maxim Znak in the courtroom at the announcement of the verdict.
11:35❗Ella and three Boris.
13:22 “Real, living people are taken and forced to rename, change their clothes and somehow be transformed, hung up on a poster so that people who come to vote do not understand who they need to put a tick for”.
16:12 🎥 Pamfilova promised to deal with the doubles in the elections.
17:59❗ The scam of the century. Why Putin needs electronic voting.
19:04 “You literally put a piece of paper into a black box, and the result is an absolutely random, in no way connected with your piece of paper result, which the authorities need. This is the essence of electronic voting. “
22:00 “If you want an unmistakable marker of whether e-voting is good or bad, remember that Margarita Simonyan supported e-voting and said it was a great idea.”
22:35❗ Shepherds from Dagestan against “Smart voting”.
27:36 “The state origin of this story is clear for two things: first, how quickly they registered the trademark, and secondly, how quickly the Russian court took interim measures to block Smart Voting.”
30:17 Register and participate in the “Smart Voting”: https://votesmart.appspot.com
32:20 Support us and our work, become sponsors of the channel: https: //www.youtube.com/channe …
33:46❗Bribery of voters.
35:19 🎥 Vladimir Putin on payments to pensioners and security officials.
39:08❗Ministry of PR and Putin’s Rest.
40:53 “A lot of people shouldn’t die in the army, but in the Russian army they did. Shoigu’s attendants blocked the release of statistics on how many people die in the army. “
46:59 “Shoigu just wants to be written well about him, never written badly. So that his rating is strong and stable. This is all that interests him: neither the army, nor its defenses, nor the lives of people, nor the conditions in which the soldiers are. “
48:20 🎥 Putin and Shoigu in the Taiga.
52:25❗ Beauty and the Beast.
55:17 🎥 Alexey Navalny defends Maria Butina.
57:46 🎥 From kept women to deputies. The shameful path of Maria Butina: https://youtu.be/0cxCysltIoY
59:15 🎥 Maria Butina and Paul Erickson.
01:04:33 🎥 Singing deputy from the Kirov region.
01:06:09 🎥 The most beautiful Russian deputy.
01:09:12❗ It flew. We will expose Tereshkova.
01:10:06 “Whatever leaders came to the main post, whatever party was in power, Valentina Tereshkova everywhere adapted, pleased everyone, praised everyone and warmly thanked everyone.”
01:16:07 “I really want as many people as possible to register in the Smart Vote, and that we really take revenge on United Russia in these elections.”
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