Earlier, Russia issued a warning to shipping on dangerous operations that will take place in the area from 15 to 20 August. What is the reason for this warning is unknown. According to the US authorities, Russia is preparing a new test of the Burevestnik missile, the newspaper points out.
Moreover, as noted by American experts, “Petrel” can pose a threat to the environment and human health.
Earlier with tests of the Burevestnik rocket tied an explosion at a training ground near Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region, which occurred in August 2019, in which at least five people were killed. The day after the explosion, the administration of Severodvinsk reported that in the city happened short-term radioactive jump. According to the authorities on the official website of the city, the increase in the radiation background was twofold and lasted no more than an hour. This message was later deleted.
The dose rate of gamma radiation in Severodvinsk after the rocket explosion at the test site on August 8 was 4-16 times higher than the background values. Such data were registered at six out of eight points of the automated radiation monitoring system in Severodvinsk. After a sharp jump on August 8, the background radiation in the city returned to normal.
Head of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev statedthat an emergency with an explosion and emission of radiation in the Arkhangelsk region occurred during the testing of a “new special product”.