In the resort town of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, EMERCOM rescuers are searching for people who disappeared during heavy rains and flooding of rivers. Four people were in a Toyota car, which drove off the road in bad weather. The car was found in the Matsesta river, reported Vadim Snegirev, head of the civil defense and population protection department of the Sochi administration, to Interfax.
He noted that a dead woman was found in the car, another victim was found in the river.
Earlier it was reported that rescuers found the body of a car driver in the Matsesta River. There were four people in the car. At the moment, the search for the missing child continues. The construction of the bridge, from which the car rolled into the river during the natural disaster, is also being checked.
As reported, on Friday evening in Sochi there was a volley downpour, traffic on the section of the federal highway A-147 Dzhubga – Sochi was temporarily blocked. The water level has risen in the Western Dagomys, Kudepsta, Khosta and Matsesta rivers.
In the dormitory districts of the city, which are located in the lowlands, the roads were washed out and the territories adjacent to the houses were damaged. The basements of houses were flooded, furniture was damaged in some places on the first floors, writes the newspaper “Izvestia”.
In Khost, as residents said, cars were floating down the street, and the asphalt was covered with a dense layer of silt.
On Saturday, the Ministry of Emergency Situations said that the situation in Sochi after heavy rainfall is returning to normal. The department noted that the water of the Matsesta and Khosta rivers returned to the channel. Electricity supply in the city has been fully restored. At the request of the population, the provision of targeted assistance for pumping water continues.
Heavy rains destroyed a wall and paving stones on a beach in the village of Loo. It is known about the flooding of a road section in Khost and two retail premises in Dagomys.