The chairman of the Yabloko party, Nikolai Rybakov, appealed to Vladimir Putin with a demand to introduce a two-week lockdown and take a number of urgent measures to support the economy and the population. Appropriate appeal published on the party website.
The letter notes that Russia has come third in the world in terms of daily deaths from coronavirus after India and Indonesia. The politician recalled that on July 15 in Russia 791 people died from COVID-19 and the figure is growing every day, and the measures taken by the government to contain the epidemic are insufficient.
“The lack of confidence of citizens in the authorities, mistakes in the information campaign of the state, prejudice and lack of information have led to the fact that vaccination in Russia is proceeding significantly slower than in a number of leading countries,” Rybakov said. “At the same time, no partial restrictions give the same tangible and quick effect as a total lockdown,” the letter says.
At the same time, Rybakov notes that the lockdown should take place on different conditions than in 2020. He believes that payments to employees (during non-working days) must be made at the expense of the state, and not at the expense of the owners of enterprises, otherwise it will lead to the ruin of entrepreneurs, cut wages and layoffs.
On the eve it was reported that Russia took the fourth place in the number of coronavirus infections among the countries of the world, it says on the website of the World Health Organization. In this ranking, she overtook France. According to official figures, 5,833,175 cases of coronavirus have been detected in Russia since the beginning of the pandemic. The first place in terms of incidence is occupied by the United States (33.5 million infections), the second – by India (30.9 million) and the third – by Brazil (19 million). The total number of cases in the world is over 187 million people. More than four million people have died.
Head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus today statedthat the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic begins in the world. According to him, the number of cases worldwide is growing for the fourth week in a row, and the number of deaths from coronavirus infection is also on the rise.
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