Vesti Nedeli said that the United States has declassified a large amount of documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Dmitry Kiselev informs about it like this:
“For some, vacation is the sweetest time to grind a scandal. A scandal then needs to be arranged. And so they did. Declassified a large portion of documents related to assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. In groundless interpretations, a shadow was cast on Russia. “
This is followed by a big story by the VGTRK correspondent in the United States, Denis Davydov, from which one can understand: Kiselev is dissatisfied mainly with the fact that among the declassified papers there were those that shed light on the activities of the Soviet special services:
“In the declassified papers there are also about submarines on which the USSR planted saboteurs to assassinate the US President, and the sums that Moscow allegedly allocated for liquidation. An excursion into history is arranged for the American audience in the intervals between the horror stories of today – Russia is about to attack Ukraine: “People forget or do not know that Lee Harvey Oswald was literally a communist. He lived in the Soviet Union, sympathized with communism, he wanted to spread these ideas. And during the Cold War, a communist killed a president who wanted to deal with the Soviet Union. “
The last quote is from Adam Guillette. Davydov does not explain to the Russian audience who he is – it is important for him to create the impression that the American media are using declassified materials for anti-Russian propaganda. Meanwhile, Guillette is far from the most influential figure in the American media community. Since 2019, he leads extremely conservative organization Accuracy in Mediasupporting a variety of conspiracy theories, denying the danger of global warming (possibly in the interests of their sponsors – the oil companies) and declaring that the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic is greatly exaggerated. Before Accuracy in Media Guillette served as vice president of an ultra-conservative organization Project Veritas, which published falsified provocative materials discrediting political opponents of Donald Trump. Since Vesti Nedeli did not provide any other evidence of “anti-Russian hysteria” in the American media, it can be assumed that its scale is at least exaggerated. The published documents generally did not raise much doubt about the official version, according to which Kennedy was shot by a lone assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.
But this version does not suit Vesti Nedeli, they are much closer to the theory that the CIA and personally its former director Allen Dulles, who was forced to resign after the failure of the attempt to overthrow the Castro regime in Cuba, was behind the murder. For confirmation of this theory, Davydov turns to a great friend of the Kremlin, film director Oliver Stone, who in 1991 shot the acclaimed film “J.F.K.” about how the CIA obstructed the investigation into the assassination of the president, and recently returned to this topic already in the documentary “JFK Return: Through the Looking Glass”. Stone tells Davydov:
“Allen Dulles, the former head of the CIA who was fired by Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs flop, hated the president. Dulles left, but his people remained in intelligence. Talk begins that Kennedy’s re-election should not be allowed. You can’t – that’s all. He needs to be killed. Because otherwise he will take an even more radical position during his second term. Kennedy was honestly trying to end the Cold War with Russia. Kennedy left Vietnam, tried to make peace with Cuba, and he had every opportunity to succeed. Of course, this was not to the liking of the “hawks”, opponents of peace and supporters of the hard line in our country. And they cannot stop because there is a lot of money at stake. Transactions and money. It’s all about them, not Russia. If there were no Russia, another enemy would have been found. We create this fake environment through the media. I’ve watched this all my life – a lie for the sake of money. We live in a lie. Every now and then we talk about how the communists are taking over America. “
In support of this version, Stone and Davydov provide a number of arguments:
“When the authorities show the Americans a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, allegedly posing with the same rifle, the director invites the audience to take a closer look at the pictures. “I have never seen these pictures. Yes, this is my face, but it was put on someone’s body. See how the shadow falls from the nose. She lies straight, as if it were noon. And the shadow below looks to the side, like in the early morning or late afternoon, ”said Oswald.
According to the protocol, Oswald, who fired the worst in the platoon in the army, fired three accurate shots at a moving target in 6 seconds, although each reloading of such a rifle is at least 2.5 seconds. “
But the version of the photomontage back in 2017 was denied by a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Hani Farid, who is called “the father of forensic science of digital images.” In the BBC material it says:
“As evidence that the photo is fake, they point to shadows, primarily on the face, which supposedly fall from a different light source than on other objects in the picture. Oswald’s chin looks wider than in the photo from the police station, and his posture, even taking into account the weight of the gun, is somehow unnatural. The length of the rifle itself also raises a question.
Farid and colleagues analyzed photography in a series of studies published in 2009, 2010, and 2015. They built a 3D model of the image based on the height and weight of Oswald and his gun.
The researchers confirmed that all the shadows in the image come from the same light source, the shadows on the face make the chin look wider than in the police photo. Oswald’s pose is also quite believable given his center of mass and the way he holds the rifle.
And the length of the rifle in the photo, taking into account the perspective, is 101.2 cm, that is, only a centimeter less than the size of the weapon declared by the manufacturer.
In general, the researchers found no evidence of photo tampering. “
The story of the “bad shooter” Oswald is also dubious. He served in the Marine Corps and received serious firearms training in 1956 got sniper qualification. Just because he wasn’t the best shooter in his platoon doesn’t mean he couldn’t have killed the president.
After the assassination, the Army Ballistic Research Laboratory held an experiment in which three shooters, two civilians and one military, who had not previously used the model of the rifle that Oswald had fired, the Italian Carcano 1938, fired two shots at three targets from the same distance. As a result, the first target was hit by all 6 shots, the second – 2 out of 6, the third – 5 out of 6. It took no more time for shots than for Oswald. And out of three shots of the killer, two hit the target.
Stone in his films focuses on the “magic bullet”, which allegedly changed its trajectory in a whimsical way: first it hit Kennedy’s back, exited through the neck, hit the back of the Governor of Texas John Connally sitting in the car in front of him, punctured a lung, exited through the chest and hit his own wrist, went through it and entered the thigh. Supporters of the conspiracy theory illustrate this with the following scheme:
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