In Norilsk, about 120 people were forced to spend the night at the cinema, as they could not get home due to a severe blizzard. About it informs TASS citing representatives of the local administration.
The cinema is located in the building of the city cultural center.
“There was a strong wind of 15-20 m / s, in some places up to 27 m / s. The visibility was practically zero, the road Norilsk – Kayerkan (part of the city) – Alykel airport was closed. And about 120 people who could not leave for Kayerkan spent the night in the City Cultural Center. There they were provided with water and tea, ”the mayor’s office said.
On the morning of December 9, the blizzard ended, the road was opened and people were able to return home.
Norilsk is one of the northernmost cities in the world. It is home to 180 thousand people. Heavy snowstorms at this time of year and road closures are not uncommon in the city, the agency notes.
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