The United States has imposed new sanctions against the Lukashenka regime. About it reported on the website of the US Treasury.
The restrictions affected 20 people and 12 organizations.
Among the persons who fell under the sanctions was a businessman and the middle son of the President of Belarus, Dmitry Lukashenko. He was included in the list as a person close to a high-ranking corrupt official. In addition to him, sanctions were introduced against Senator Dmitry Baskov, Chairman of the State Border Committee Anatoly Lappo and others.
Among the companies that were affected by the American restrictive measures were the Belarusian Potash Company, Transaviaexport, Slavkali, Beltechexport, Agat – Electromechanical Plant, Agrorozkvit, 140 Repair Plant, Kidma Tech, “GardService”, “Peleng”, Presidential Sports Club and State Enterprise “CENTRKURORT”
The sanctions have been extended due to the fact that “the Lukashenka regime blatantly disregards international norms and the welfare of its own citizens.”
Earlier today, a new package of sanctions against the Lukashenka regime in connection with the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border introduced European Union. The current sanctions package is the fifth since August 2020. Prior to that, about 200 Belarusian individuals and organizations were on the EU blacklist.
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