A resolution has been submitted to the House of Representatives of the US Congress not to recognize Vladimir Putin as President of Russia after 2024. Document published on the website of the co-chair of the Helsinki Commission of the Congress Steve Cohen. On this drew attention edition “That’s it”.
The resolution refers to a “vote” on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which canceled the terms of Vladimir Putin. American politicians emphasize that the voting format itself is not reflected in Russian legislation. The document also mentions numerous violations during the voting and the absence of international observers.
“The amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation were adopted in violation of Russian and international laws. The zeroing of the presidential terms, which followed the adoption of the amendments, is illegitimate, ”the resolution emphasizes.
“Any attempt on the part of Vladimir Putin to remain in office after the expiration of the current term on May 7, 2024 must be met with non-recognition from the United States,” the document says.
The Federation Council of the Russian Federation has already statedthat the resolution is “interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation.”
The Helsinki Commission of the US Congress oversees the implementation of the Helsinki agreements on security in Europe.
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