Priest Georgy Sukhobokiy, who wrote a post about his readiness to shake hands with Alexei Navalny, said that a statement had been drawn up against him about insulting the feelings of believers. In this regard, he was summoned to the police to provide an explanation of the complaint. About this he told “Rain”. He could not give details of the statement.
Formerly The Insider wrotethat Sukhoboky was sent for six months to a male monastery for “spiritual rehabilitation.” Sukhobokiy published the bishop’s decree, which says that the priest allegedly communicated with some “anti-church” press and “sowed confusion” among the parishioners.
Now a full-time priest, Priest George Sukhoboky of the Parish of the Transfiguration Cathedral of Dimitrovgrad, previously worked as the head of the information and publishing department of the Melekess diocese. He was fired after I posted on Facebook the entry “I used to criticize him, but today I am ready to shake his hand,” commenting on the awarding of Alexei Navalny with the Sakharov Prize.
In an interview with Dmitry Nizovtsev, the priest said that the next day after the post on the social network, Bishop Diodorus called him. He said that Sukhoboky attracted the attention of the “authorities”. “I was told that there should not be such a press secretary. Well, well, you have achieved your goal, it won’t be, ”the priest summed up.
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