U.S. Department of Commerce October 20 announced on the introduction of restrictions on the export or resale of software tools that can be used for hacker attacks to Russia and China. About this decision also writes газета The Washington Post.
According to her, in 90 days a rule will come into force prohibiting the sale of such software to a number of countries, including the Russian Federation and China, without a license from the US Bureau of Industry and Security.
The ban is being introduced, in particular, on the Pegasus software of the Israeli company NSO Group, which makes it possible to spy on people through their smartphones, transfers Interfax. NSO Group sold Pegasus software to states, which used it to spy on dissidents and journalists.
According to the newspaper, the rule is likely to apply to a small number of US companies. However, anyone who sells US software or technology to develop these tools outside of the US must also obtain permission to do so.
The license is not required only if the software is designed to strengthen the cybersecurity system (for example, to test the possibilities of unauthorized access) and will be sold to representatives of non-state actors not related to China and Russia.
In recent months, the United States has faced a series of powerful cyberattacks aimed at obtaining ransoms. According to the American authorities, hackers from the Russian Federation are behind a number of such attacks.
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