The fund of Putin’s friend, cellist Sergei Roldugin, will receive more than 7 billion rubles from the budget. About it report “We can explain” referring to draft budget for 2021-2023.
The Talent and Success Foundation will receive 2.5 billion rubles in 2022, of which 1.7 billion rubles in the form of grants, and the rest in the form of subsidies for specific purposes. In 2023 and 2024, the fund will receive 2.4 billion rubles from the budget.
The total amount for three years will be 7.3 billion rubles. This is almost a billion more than was allocated to the fund in the previous period from 2019 to 2022. During this time, 6.35 billion rubles were spent on the fund.
Also, “Talent and Success” received ownership of five land plots in Sochi, should from the order of the government. “Land plots are subject to gratuitous transfer without bidding by the joint-stock company DOM.RF to the ownership of the educational foundation“ Talent and Success ”,” the resolution says.
We are talking about five land plots with an area of 1 thousand to 40.8 thousand square meters. According to the Public Cadastral Map, according to the documents, land plots are intended for education and enlightenment facilities.
Recall that Roldugin appeared in the investigation of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism and the Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime on Panamanian offshores. According to the investigation, the cellist was involved in the withdrawal of $ 2 billion from Russia.
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