In Khabarovsk, Svetlana Izotova, a candidate for the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and the police were kicked out of PEC No. 21 after her request to transfer observers to a room with ballot boxes. About this she reported on your Instagram page.
“I made a remark to the chairman that it is necessary to transfer the observers to the room where the ballot boxes are located, since in the place where the observers are now sitting, the ballot boxes are not visible at all, to which the chairman reacted very sharply and said that I, as a candidate, did not I have the right to be there. As a result, a police squad was summoned to me and they simply expelled from there, ”Izotova said.
The candidate added that she wrote a complaint to the prosecutor’s office and the election commission.
Previously, Just Russia candidate Anton Plyusnin reported The Insider about violations at polling stations in the Khabarovsk Territory, including a ban on familiarization with documents during the counting of votes, unsealed safes, improper packaging of packages and incorrect filling out of protocols. In addition, the candidate complained about the lack of observers in the region and the fact that the chairmen of the commissions send observers from the opposition with instructions outside the precincts.
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