Employers in St. Petersburg tried to force every fifth working resident of the city to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. About it testifies sociological research conducted by the recruiting company HeadHunter.
“Every fifth respondent in St. Petersburg said that employers were forced to vaccinate, another 21% noted that they were” not forced, but convinced “, did not influence the decision to get vaccinated against coronavirus in 57% of cases,” the study says.
According to the poll, 17% of working Petersburgers consider the compulsion to vaccinate a necessary measure to achieve herd immunity. Another 63% of respondents said that they consider vaccination against coronavirus a personal matter, and 20% oppose vaccination as such.
At the same time, a third of managers of St. Petersburg companies (34%) believed that anti-vaccination employees should be removed from work, up to and including dismissal.
It is curious that 17% of the interviewed employees were promised any preferences for getting vaccinated. So, 7% of them promised a weekend after receiving the vaccination, 6% – salary bonuses, and 4% – small gifts.
According to the latest data, more than 1.3 million people have already been vaccinated against coronavirus in St. Petersburg, of which more than 1 million received both components of the vaccine. Since August 2, food courts and attractions will resume work in the city, but on condition that their workers are vaccinated with at least one component of the vaccine.
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