TEC No. 30 of the Central District of St. Petersburg refused to register Boris Vishnevsky for elections to the city legislative assembly from Yabloko. About it reported in the St. Petersburg branch of the party.
Nine members of the commission voted for the refusal, four opposed. As reported by “Fontanka” in the election commission itself statedthat the documents from the Yabloko conference on the nomination of Vishnevsky were incorrectly drawn up. At the same time, Vishnevsky himself noted that there are no requirements in the legislation for the registration of such decisions of the political committee of the party.
Boris Vishnevsky is a current deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, he was going to run for new elections from Yabloko in constituency No. 2. In the same constituency, two more self-nominated candidates were registered by the name of Boris Vishnevsky, but with different patronymics. Wherein became knownthat they changed their names before starting the campaign.
Earlier from the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg was forced another opposition MP Maksim Reznik, who is under house arrest on a drug case, is filmed. According to Reznik, the investigator twice denied him a visit to a notary, which is needed to register for the elections. He also added that the obstacles created by the representatives of the UK are connected with the desire of the Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov to prevent him from participating in the election campaign.
We add that Vishnevsky and Reznik were the only current deputies of the legislative assembly of St. Petersburg who were the initiators of protest actions in the city.
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