A resolution with this name is valid accepted, but its meaning is completely different: Ukraine states that part of its territory is occupied (and partly annexed) by Russia, recognizes that it does not control these territories, and on this basis disclaims responsibility for observing human rights in these areas, placing it on Russia.
In addition, the resolution lists deviations from the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, which are temporarily allowed in the zone of the anti-terrorist operation. This is detention without court sanction, by only one decision of the prosecutor’s office, for up to 30 days (instead of the 72 hours established by law), the transfer of powers of investigating judges to prosecutors, the introduction of temporary civil-military administrations on the territory of some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, receiving the right to restrict traffic transport and pedestrians, carry out vehicle searches, impose a curfew. These measures are temporary, they are in effect until the end of the Russian armed aggression.
This exhausts the “legal chaos” that so outrages the commentator on the First Channel.
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