Pussy Riot participant Nika Nikulshina left Russia after leaving the special detention center, where she was serving a term of another arrest. About this she herself told “Rain”.
According to Nikulshina, the reason for her departure was the persecution of Pussy Riot members and repeated arrests under the article on police disobedience.
“The authorities are trying to say something,” she explained, adding that at the exit from the detention center after the first arrest, the members of Pussy Riot were “given backlash” – they were detained again not immediately, but after a while so that the group members could leave Russia but they didn’t.
According to the publication, Nikulshina immediately after leaving the special detention center went to the airport with Roman Durov and lawyer Dmitry Zakhvatov. On the way to the airport, as the activist emphasized, two cars “with numbers of non-existent regions” followed them, and at the airport the drivers of these cars “accompanied” Nikulshina until check-in for the flight.
According to Nikulshina, her departure is not emigration. After the elections to the State Duma, a member of the group plans to return to Russia.
On July 3, 2021, Nikulshina was arrested for 15 days under the article on disobedience to the police. The administrative protocol stated that Nikulshina and the artist Roman Durov, who was detained with her on July 2, “expressed gross obscene language” in a public place, did not show their documents to the police and refused to go with the security forces to the Interior Ministry department.
Prior to this Nikulshin detained 12 June. Journalist Alexey Pivovarov wrotethat Nikulshina took part in the filming of a film for the YouTube channel “Redaction” during her arrest.
The Pussy Riot member was also detained on June 16 and subsequently arrested for 15 days.
Thus, Nikulshina managed to spend only a day at large before she was detained again.
In addition, in Moscow, Pussy Riot participants Maria Alekhina, Aleksandr Sophieva and Anna Kuzminykh were arrested twice under the article on non-compliance with police demands.
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