The penultimate meeting on the Navalny case took place today. There were debates of the parties and the last word of Alexei.
At first, the prosecutor’s office, Nadezhda Tikhonova, repeated the accusation: Navalny collected money to fight corruption, while he himself spent it on extremism – to discredit the authorities, for example. Then she transferred Alexei’s expenses on bank cards – in total, from 2016 to 2020, he spent 8 million rubles. We remember from previous meetings, for example, for a dentist or a subscription to Netflix. But this time the prosecutor went further. “He didn’t deny himself anything,” she exclaimed, “for example, he hired a driver and a press secretary!”
Then Tikhonova asked to take into account Navalny’s “public danger” and therefore appoint him ten years in prison with a fine of 1 million 200 thousand rubles. And taking into account his current punishment – a total of 13 years and another 2 years of restriction of freedom.
Immediately after that, the court announced a short break. When the break ended, Alexei’s lawyer Olga Mikhailova demanded to clarify which regime the prosecution was asking for. Now Aleksey is on a general mode – this means a little easier conditions, more transfers, more dates. The prosecutor at first denied and refused to answer – she said that she had already said everything. Mikhailova insisted, and then the prosecutor said that she did not remember without a piece of paper and therefore she needed another break to check!
After 45 minutes and, obviously, a series of phone calls to the authorities, prosecutor Nadezhda Tikhonova finally reappeared in the hall and said with relief: the prosecution is requesting a strict regime.
Why strict? For this person to be recognized as a “recidivist”, that is, to declare that he committed two similar crimes under the same article. Moreover, he must commit the second after he is found guilty of the first. So, Navalny is now in prison on the Yves Rocher case, the article is a scam. And in order to recognize Aleksey as a recidivist, the prosecutor’s office had to invent not only the fact that he basically stole some donations – but also that he did this while ALREADY in prison. The prosecution spoke quite seriously about this in court: while in the colony, Navalny continued to commit crimes. And now it is this absurd legal trick that allows him to be transferred to strict conditions.
In IK-2, where Aleksey is now, there are no strict conditions. This means that he will have to be transferred to another colony – further from Moscow, with more difficult access.
Then Alexei himself spoke in the debate. He said that at this stage he should express his attitude to the matter, but he had nothing to say, because there was no case. The investigation was able to drag 4 fake witnesses to the court for a total of 2 million rubles. And for this, the prosecutor’s office asks for 13 years, although in our country, even for murder, according to statistics, they usually give less.
“If you think that I will be scared, or my colleagues from the FBK will be scared, or you will intimidate everyone in general, such as this same Marina Ovsyannikova, who, by the way, did not just speak – she recorded a video, told us the most important words: act . Don’t transfer everyone. Don’t transfer everyone. Even if you ask and give, you won’t frighten me or people like me. Russia is big, there are many people in it, and not all of them are ready to give up their future and the future of their children as cowardly as you did.
Navalny in court
Then a break was announced in the court and after that Alexey had to make the last word. They just didn’t let him do it. Literally every half a minute, the broadcast was turned off, so what Alexei was saying was not heard by the journalists, and no one else could record the speech.
Of course, this was done on purpose. Alexei’s last word is, without exaggeration, the most important in this process, his main political speech, in which he spoke about the poverty that Putin plunged Russia into and about the war. And Putin’s lackeys simply could not let this speech seep through the prison walls.
At the very end, the broadcast briefly appeared, and Alexey managed to say: “Leo Tolstoy said a great thing, wrote it down in his diary…” and the broadcast turned off again. But here’s what Alexei said next. On June 4, 1904, Tolstoy wrote: “War is the work of despotism. Without despotism, there could be no war; there could be fights, but not war. Despotism produces war, and war sustains despotism. Those who want to fight war must only fight despotism.”
Please share this video and spread the word. This is the most important thing that Alexey wanted to say today. Putin is war. And if we want to fight the war, then we must fight Putin.
Alexei will be sentenced on March 22.
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