The ninth hearing on the Navalny case took place today.
Twelve defense witnesses arrived in the colony today, including politician Ilya Yashin. At the beginning of the meeting, the prosecutor suddenly announced that she saw no point in questioning these witnesses. In her opinion, they do not have any “special information about the criminal case and their testimony will not be relevant to it.” That is, the testimonies of fake victims, mathematics teachers who do linguistic examinations, teachers of a male monastery who are offended by a judge, and corrupt propagandists – this, according to the state prosecution, is very valuable and is relevant to the case. But the prosecutor’s office does not see the point in interrogating real people who have sacrificed to Navalny for many years and can confirm in court that no one deceived them and did not steal money.
That is, literally: the courts in Russia are going to ensure that only the prosecution will present its position, and then they will immediately pass a verdict.
All the witnesses questioned today confirmed that they transferred money to various Navalny organizations and regularly received financial reports. They do not consider Navalny’s activities to be extremist. The work of the Anti-Corruption Fund suited them completely. The fact that Navalny might not be allowed before the presidential elections was common knowledge, but this did not affect their desire to support him in any way. One witness said that she watched Alexei’s videos to help her son prepare for social studies lessons, and then she herself went to the rally. At that rally, she was detained and fined, but the FBK helped her pay it.
Since we announced that we are looking for witnesses for the defense, several hundred people have written to us. Of these, 329 expressed their willingness to testify by providing affidavits or appearing in court in person. And this is against four victims, according to the Investigative Committee, one of whom is a pensioner, deceived by the pseudo-lawyer Remeslo, and who has now renounced his claims in court, two businessmen who are under their own criminal cases, which means they are under pressure, and a handyman who was also involved in the case on the distribution of drugs.
It is impossible to interrogate a hundred witnesses in court, but another 10 people have been invited for tomorrow. The defense is still presenting its position.
As always, at the end we ask you to share these videos. The trial of Navalny is drawing to a close. While Putin is at war with Ukraine, inside our country at this very moment they are going to put a man who stands for peace and speaks the truth for 15 years. Because these two words – peace and truth – Putin hates the most. And we cannot afford to close our eyes to it.
There are practically no independent media left in Russia. Everything is blocked. But we ourselves are. Therefore, tell about this case – to relatives, friends, neighbors, to everyone you can reach.
Freedom for Alexei Navalny.
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