The trial of Alexei Navalny and Daniel Kholodny is over. The prosecution requires Navalny, on the basis of a combination of sentences, 20 years in prison with serving in a special regime colony. Kholodny – 10 years in prison with serving in a penal colony. Announcement of the verdict – August 4 at 16.00.
The last word:
Everyone in Russia knows that someone who seeks justice in court is completely defenseless. The case of such a person is hopeless. After all, if the matter has gone to court, then there is no power behind this person. Because in a country ruled by a criminal, controversial issues are resolved by bargaining, power, bribery, deceit, betrayal and other mechanisms from real life, and not by some kind of law.
Which was brilliantly demonstrated the other day, when those who were declared traitors to the Motherland and traitors killed in the morning in front of the whole astonished Russia several officers of the Russian army, and by dinner they agreed on something with someone and went home, to divide among themselves suitcases with money. And the suitcases are not metal, but the real ones. They were even shown on Russian television.
Thus, the law and justice in Russia once again pointed to their place. And it’s not prestigious at all. You won’t find them in court.
In general, the court has long turned into just a platform where a citizen can only make a speech without (and this phrase is repeated hundreds of times in my indictment) “coordination with state authorities.” True, for especially cunning, abusing the possibilities of judicial debate and the last word, they first came up with a closed court, and then a closed court on the territory of the prison.
Nevertheless, every opportunity must be taken to speak out, and, speaking now to an audience of eighteen people, seven of whom have put black masks on their heads that cover their faces, I want to not just explain why I continue to fight against that unscrupulous evil that calls itself “state power of the Russian Federation”, but also to urge you to do this with me.
Why not? Maybe you put on these masks because you are afraid of something human, what you have and what may be reflected in your face not covered with a balaclava? For example, the prison warden, who is now behind me, should know by his position what kind of courts I will face. And so I explain to him about another criminal case and the upcoming trial, about the new term that threatens me. Each time he nods his head, closes his eyes and says: “I don’t understand you and I never will.” I should try to explain to him.
The question of how to act is the main question of mankind. After all, everything around is so complicated and so incomprehensible. People have run off their feet in search of a formula for doing the right thing. Looking for something to rely on when making a decision.
I really like the wording of our compatriot, Doctor of Philology, Professor Lotman. Speaking to students, he once said: “Man is always in an unforeseen situation. And here he has two legs: conscience and intellect.
This is a very wise idea, I think. And a person must lean on both of these legs.
Relying only on conscience is intuitively correct. But abstract morality, which does not take into account human nature and the real world, will degenerate into either stupidity or atrocity, as has happened more than once.
But reliance on intelligence without conscience is what is now at the heart of the Russian state. Initially, this idea seemed logical to the elites. Using oil, gas and other resources, we will build an unscrupulous, but cunning, modern, rational, ruthless state. We will become richer than the kings of former years. And we have so much oil that the population will get something. Using the world of contradictions and the vulnerability of democracy, we will become leaders and we will be respected. And if not, then be afraid.
But the same thing happens everywhere. The intellect, not limited by conscience, whispers: take away, steal. If you are stronger, then your interests are always more important than the rights of others.
Not wanting to rely on the foot of conscience, my Russia made several big jumps, pushing everyone around, but then slipped and with a roar, destroying everything around, collapsed. And now he is floundering in a pool of either mud or blood, with broken bones, with a poor, robbed population, and tens of thousands of those who died in the most stupid and senseless war of the 21st century lie around.
But sooner or later, of course, it will rise again. And it depends on us what it will rely on in the future.
I do what I think is consistent. Without any drama.
I love Russia. My intellect tells me that it is better to live in a free and prosperous country than in a corrupt and impoverished one. And as I stand here and look at this court, my conscience says that there will be no justice in such a court either for me or for anyone else. A country without a fair trial will never be prosperous. So – now the intellect says again – it will be reasonable and right of me to fight for an independent judiciary, fair elections, to be against corruption, because then I will achieve my goal and be able to live in my free, prosperous Russia.
Maybe now it seems to you that I am crazy, and you are all normal, because you can’t swim against the current. And I think you’re out of your mind. You have the only God-given life, and what did you decide to spend it on? In order to put robes on your shoulders, and these black masks on your head and protect those who are also robbing you? To help someone who has ten palaces build an eleventh?
In order for a new person to come into the world, two people must agree in advance that they will make some kind of sacrifice. A new person will have to give birth in pain, and then spend sleepless nights with him, and then start a dog with him. Then walk the dog.
And in the same way, in order for a new, free, rich country to be born, it must have parents. Those who want it. Who is waiting for her and who is ready to make some sacrifices for the sake of her birth. Knowing she’s worth it. Not everyone has to go to jail. It’s more like a lottery, and I pulled out such a ticket. But everyone has to make some sacrifice, some effort.
I am accused of inciting hatred towards representatives of the authorities and special services, judges and members of the United Russia party. But no, I don’t incite hatred. I just remember that a person has two legs: conscience and intellect. And when you get tired of slipping with this power, hurting your forehead and future, when you finally understand that the rejection of conscience will eventually lead to the disappearance of the intellect, then maybe you will stand on those two legs on which a person should stand, and Together we can bring the Beautiful Russia of the Future closer.
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