Putin must be defeated. He is a threat not only to Russia and Ukraine but to the world. The very essence of authoritarian power involves a constant increase in bets, an increase in aggression, and the search for new enemies. In order not to lose in this struggle, we must unite.
My father is one of the leaders of this struggle, and he must be out there. He challenges Putin every day, but together we can ensure that his efforts are not in vain and that his words are heard around the world. I now turn to world leaders and ask them to support my call to the Russian government to release my father.
Let’s all strive for a better, more prosperous global future where we can choose our own leaders. Free Alexey Navalny!
Now, as you read these lines, Navalny is in mortal danger, but he continues to stand up for what he believes in. He proved that he was ready to sacrifice his freedom, health and even life in order for Russia to become a democratic, prosperous country. And now, even from prison, he is fighting to make it peaceful. By his example, he supports and inspires millions of Russians who, like him, do not want to put up with war and injustice.
Putin must be defeated. It poses a threat not only to Russia and Ukraine, but to the whole world. The very essence of authoritarian power implies a constant increase in the stakes, the growth of aggression and the search for new enemies. In order not to lose this fight, we must unite.
My father is one of the leaders of this struggle and he should be free. He challenges Putin every day, but together we can make sure that his efforts are not in vain and that his words are heard around the world. I now turn to world leaders and ask them to support my call to the Russian government to release my father.
Let’s all strive for a better, more prosperous global future in which we can choose our own leaders. Freedom for Alexei Navalny!
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