Today was the twelfth day of the trial of Alexei Navalny. At first, it was not much different from the previous ones. Evidence of Navalny’s crimes was considered – still fake. The linguistic examination of insults turned out to be fake: it was done by a mathematics teacher. And bank statements from Navalny’s accounts were obtained illegally, that is, they cannot be used in court. But the judge and the prosecutor are not worried. The authorities said to imprison Navalny – they will imprison him.
Then they interrogated Navalny himself. Aleksey reminded the court of obvious things: that this case was fabricated. That the victims were either fake crooks or testified under duress. That they first come up with criminal cases against him, and only then collect materials for them. And, in particular, Alexei answered the question why he created an organization called the Anti-Corruption Fund:
Why did I create this organization? I created it – write it down in the minutes, please – because I hate this power. Because I find it disgusting and thievish.”
Prosecutor Tikhonova tried for a very long time to find out from Navalny exactly how donations were distributed during the presidential campaign. Alexey repeated several times: he did not receive a salary from FBK and did not deal with any financial issues. How can you accuse someone of financial fraud who didn’t even have access to the money? Well, besides, as all readers of this blog know, we have always regularly and in detail accounted for all the money that our supporters transfer to us.
Taking the opportunity, Navalny also reminded the court about the real criminals. For example, about Prosecutor Chaika, which covered the gang of Tsapok and Tsepovyaz. Or about a war criminal Alexandra Borodai, the hero of the “Russian world”, who bought himself an apartment in Dubai. Only now they are not trying to put them in jail, but Navalny, who dared to use the terrible word “goof off” in court. There was also talk about Putin’s palace. The prosecutor asked how Navalny knew about the palace. Alexei replied that Putin’s palace is quite difficult to hide.
“A gigantic building is being built on a rock. The road to this building is being built by the Ministry of Defense. Protects it all FSO. Question: whose dacha is being built there? Well, it’s pretty obvious whose… People knew that there was Putin’s palace in Gelendzhik. But they did not imagine that it is so huge that there is a separate dining room for processing eggs.
The next meeting will be held on March 15, when the debate of the parties will begin. Then only the last word of Alexei and the verdict will remain.
The longer this so-called trial goes on, the clearer it becomes that there is no evidence of Navalny’s fraud. Like the scam itself. This is a completely made-up thing. Navalny is Putin’s main personal enemy. Putin has already tried to kill him, but now he is imprisoning him. And we must not be silent. Freedom for Alexei Navalny.
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