Today is the tenth day of the war, and today the tenth meeting on the Navalny case took place. Here’s how it went.
The defense continued to interrogate the witnesses – today there were 11 of them. All of them are regular donors to the FBK, and they usually transferred small amounts. The questions for the prosecution are standard from day to day: most of all they are interested in whether the witnesses knew that Navalny, running for the presidential election, was on trial. Witnesses answered that, of course, they knew that this information was never hidden and was generally freely available. But this did not affect their decision to support Navalny as a candidate.
Just in case, I’ll explain. Asking these questions, the prosecutor’s office promotes the following idea: Navalny was tried in the Kirovles case and therefore could not be admitted to the elections. Knowing this, he nevertheless raised money for the campaign, which means he misled people.
This, of course, is not true. Navalny was indeed tried in the Kirovles case in 2013, but the sentence was overturned by the European Court of Human Rights. Then the Russian authorities hastily organized a second trial – it was exactly the same as the first, and the verdict handed down in 2017 generally repeated the first one word for word. Even spelling errors in the text matched.
This is an obvious mockery of the law and just common sense – you cannot consider a person convicted of an already overturned sentence. But most importantly, the Constitution was on our side. According to the Constitution, only a prisoner in a colony does not have a passive suffrage, that is, he cannot run for office. All other restrictions were invented by the CEC and picked up by other officials, and now the state prosecution.
Therefore, there is no talk of donations being stolen. All the money received for the campaign of Alexei went to pay headquarters, regional trips and campaign materials. We reported on all these expenses to those who donated to us. Witnesses confirmed this in court today – they all received financial statements.
In total, in three days, 28 people came out on the side of Navalny – 7 times more than there were dummy “victims”. And this, of course, is a tiny part of the total number of donors who have supported Alexei for many years and do not consider themselves deceived.
The next meeting will take place on March 10, and the defense will continue to present evidence of Alexei’s innocence. Next – the debate and the verdict. Most likely, it will be in a week.
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Freedom for Alexei Navalny.
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