Eight days ago, our country began to be considered an absolute evil. Bombs and rockets have been falling on Ukrainian cities for eight days. Thousands of people are dying, and no one has figured out why.
And all this because of one person. Putin dishonors the Russian flag, the Russian language and the very word Russia. In a matter of days, the mad dictator blew down all the achievements of Russian scientists, athletes and artists. For many decades we are doomed to guilt. Because of Putin, Russia now means war to many. But it’s not.
Not Russia attacked Ukraine, but Putin. For many years he intimidated, arrested, and killed Russians. He stole elections and billions. It was Putin who wanted to bomb peaceful cities, kill children and destroy lives. The Russians were not asked if they wanted war. In Russia, which we love and are proud of, millions of people are against this madness. And now their help is needed more than ever. Not only Ukraine, and not even Russia, the whole world needs help. Help in the fight against Putin and his war.
You may be scared, but to succumb to this fear means to take the side of the fascists and murderers. Putin has already taken away Russia’s economy, relations with the world and hope for the future. This is much worse than the fine for the rally, which, moreover, they will help you pay. And in bomb shelters and on the front line it is much worse than on a day in a special detention center. Don’t give in to fear, take to the streets, let the whole world see that Putin is not Russia. Only in this way can we restore honor to our Motherland. Only in this way can each of us preserve his own dignity. He will be able to say that in these most terrible days I remained a man and did not remain silent.
You know, people often ask before rallies: “Well, what will this rally change?”. This rally will change us. This rally will change what you say to your children and grandchildren when they ask you about this terrible time. We must go out for ourselves.
And even if you have already left Russia, because you could no longer put up with the onset of a military dictatorship. Get out in the countries where you live. Show the world that the Russians don’t want war. Get off at the square in Berlin, New York, Amsterdam or Melbourne, wherever you are. Now we are all responsible for the future of Russia. For what Russia will be in the eyes of the whole world.
Every weekday at 19:00, but the most important thing is this Sunday, the sixth of March at 14:00, on the central squares of all cities in Russia and the world. Moscow – Manezhnaya Square, St. Petersburg – Gostiny Dvor. For dignity. against Putin. For Russia. Against the war.
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