The audio recording, in which a male voice criticizes the preacher, was leaked to the network, of course, not by chance, the source of The Insider says: “The Kadyrovites always knew that there were supporters of Salafism, they always fought them in all sorts of ways – propaganda, violence, etc. d. And now, when they launched a mass campaign against the Yangulbaevs, they saw that there is an audio message in which Ibragim Yangulbaev allegedly speaks about these holy people. And they understood that this should be used in such a way as to really convince the people that the Yangulbaevs are bad, and all the repressions that are deployed against them are justified, because they encroached on the sacred.
Kadyrov, indeed, has repeatedly criticized Salafism and declared, which forbids dialogue with Salafists: “I forbid dialogue with them, their actions lead to collapse. Salafism and Wahhabism should not exist and will not exist in our country.”
August 27, 2016 in Grozny was accepted fatwa, according to which only followers of the Sufi tariqa are recognized as true Muslims. Supporters of Salafism in this fatwa are called dangerous sectarians. The fatwa states that all Muslims of Russia are obliged to accept it. Already in November 2016, Kadyrov went to Saudi Arabia, where the majority of the population professes Salafism, where he met with the crown prince of the kingdom, Muhammad ibn Salman Al Saud. Arab media reports that it was an apology visit were denied by the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Chechnya.
The Yangulbaev brothers themselves do not answer the question about the trend they profess. “In our family, religion as a whole is a personal matter for everyone,” Abubakar Yangulbaev told The Insider. Nobody is teaching anyone. I cannot answer so simply and would not like to be labeled.”
faith and money
Kadyrov has every reason to be afraid of Salafism, since he is clearly not ready to give up a beautiful life. Today he is the richest among all the heads of Russian regions, even according to official data. His income is more than the total declared earnings of 9 governors from the list of the richest. In 2021 “Project” calculatedthat the total value of real estate recorded in the name of Kadyrov’s wives is almost 800 million rubles, and the head of Chechnya did not include everything in the declaration. Formerly “Project” also wrotethat Kadyrov, together with State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov (thus promising to behead members of the family of Judge Yangulbaev), own assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And the 14-year-old son of the head of Chechnya, in the midst of Kadyrov’s confrontation with critics of his government, came to trample on portraits of the Yangulbaevs at a rally driven by the authorities in hours with an approximate cost of 37 million rubles.
For financial benefits, Kadyrov repeatedly thanked Allah. The head of Chechnya speaks of himself only as a real Muslim professing true Islam, declares that he honors Islamic avlis and ustazes (saints, teachers, preachers). On the religious fanaticism of Kadyrov wrote back in 2011, journalist Anna Nemtsova. “He told I, as I dreamed of entering the Kaaba during a trip to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj with my guys, apparently agreed with the prince, brought them, and they all entered the Kaaba, although they usually let one person in, Nemtsova recalls in a conversation with The Insider. – At the moment when he talks, his tears flow like hail. He said: “We enter as in my dream, and I see swallows flying under the ceiling. I experienced such euphoria.” Later I asked people whether swallows fly in the Kaaba, no one could confirm to me.
At the same time, the manifestations of luxury earned dishonestly are repeatedly condemned in the Qur’an, since they are attributed to the properties of the unjust and unbelievers. And at the heart of the sermons of Ustaz Kishiev, for whose honor the head of Chechnya is ready to kill, was the forgiveness of enemies and the rejection of any violence, wars, revenge. Moreover, blood feud is a pagan custom that does not exist in Islam, just as the word “revenge” itself does not exist in the Koran.
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