At the trial, the employees of the IK stated that Filinkov received all the necessary knowledge about sewing in one evening. When the court nevertheless partially satisfied the claim, recognizing illegal the admission of Filinkov to work without training, a teacher began to come to him. It turned out that the training program is designed for 2.5 months.
Despite this, the court refused to cancel the two penalties imposed on Filinkov precisely because he had not been trained and did not know how to sew. The court did not pay any attention to the forged statement.
Filinkov received another penalty for using a “slang word” during the court session. Used at the request of the chairman. Upon admission to the colony, Filinkov, who participated in the meeting via video link, said that he was “taken to the so-called Murmanka”. He first heard about “Murmanka” from the employees at the acceptance of the stage, but did not know its meaning, assuming that this was the name of some room. The judge, not having heard, asked Filinkov to repeat what was said: “The connection is interrupted. Gourmet? Filinkov repeats: “Murmanka”. Denisov intervenes in the conversation (the one who presented Filinkov’s “statement”):
“I want to clarify that the word Murmanka is prison slang. It translates as “penalty cell”. That is, the convict in the court session is expressed in jargon,” he says. The court dismisses Filinkov’s complaint.
On December 28, lieutenant colonel Denisov came to court with holiday packages for judges considering cases on Filinkov’s claims. The first went to the judge Marina Grechishnikova, in whose office he looked with the phrase: “I brought you gifts!” This was witnessed by Vitaly Cherkasov, Filinkov’s lawyer, who was able to film Denisov’s generosity on video. On that day, judges Raisa Chuvasheva and Maria Sergienko also received gifts.
Cherkasov sent the footage to the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Orenburg Region, Sergei Porshin, to be checked for corruption. After that, Denisov confirmed that he came to court, where “in accordance with the job description, at that time he represented the interests of the Federal Penitentiary Service.” But, according to him, in gift bags there were only calendars for 2022. Porshin did not see anything corrupt in them and stated that the law on the status of judges does not allow the demand for video recordings from cameras or other documents of the court, and redirected the complaint to the chairman of the Central District Court of Orenburg, Margarita Ukholova.
Ukholova was laconic:
“Denisov A.A. was not registered in the visitor registration log on December 28, 2021. It is not possible to get acquainted with the recordings of video surveillance cameras located in the court building, since there is no archive of video recordings in the court.”
Novaya Gazeta investigated the public procurement website and did not find a single purchase of the Orenburg Federal Penitentiary Service for the manufacture or purchase of calendars for 2022 there.
While completely satisfied only one claim by Filinkov: about a reprimand announced to him immediately upon arrival at the colony for not greeting the employee before he had time to familiarize himself with the internal regulations. In fact, in this case, the court had no choice – the prosecutor’s office had already canceled the reprimand.
November 8 prison staff tried toss two blades to Filinkov. Prisoners are forbidden to have a personal razor, for which a convicted person can receive a serious disciplinary sanction. A “gift” was made to Filinkov for his 27th birthday.
“November 8, 2021, immediately before the conversation with V.S. Filinkov was thrown 2 pieces of a blade from a disposable razor. It was organized as follows: before the bath, Viktor Filinkov was asked if he wanted to change his clothes. Victor refused: the clothes were still clean and Victor liked his tunic, did not want to change it. However, they did not listen to him, they cut off the tag from the old tunic, took away the old tunic and brought a new one. Got a razor. Victor Filinkov took a bath and at 15:40 handed over a disposable machine to Vadim Yuryevich, an officer on duty at ShIZO. However, Vadim Yuryevich drew Viktor Sergeevich’s attention to the fact that the machine has one blade, not two. Viktor Sergeevich said that he did not hide the blade and offered to conduct a full search. The employee did not find anything by touch, but with the help of a metal detector he found a piece of a blade hidden in the seam of the tunic (not by Victor). Next, Vadim Yuryevich went to the bathhouse and “found” a piece of a blade there, hidden in the mounting foam in the door. He believes that what happened was a masterful special operation organized by Vadim Yuryevich and his colleagues, ”wrote the Rupression Telegram channel, which covers what is happening with the defendants in the Network case.
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