In Novosibirsk, which received the status of the New Year’s capital of Russia in January, elections are being held for the New Year’s mascot of the city. More recently, the orangutan Batu and Pallas cat Aisha won there. However, they were suddenly overtaken by the polar bear Shilka, who was in the outsiders of the vote – in just one night she gained more than a thousand votes. According to publications Taiga.Info, the presidential administration intervened in the voting.
For a long time, Manul Aisha was the leader of the voting, but the orangutan Batu broke into first place after the broadcast of an independent deputy of the City Council, Sergei Boyko, who supported this particular candidacy. “Why can’t a monkey be the symbol of Novosibirsk? Here I hear criticism that monkeys do not live in the Novosibirsk region, but the fact is that polar bears do not live in the Novosibirsk region either. Against the backdrop of everything in Novosibirsk, I think that the orangutan is absolutely the best option. Therefore, I urge you to support the orangutan,” the deputy said.
Batu was also supported by another independent deputy of the City Council, Igor Ukraintsev.
However, the presidential administration was dissatisfied with the leadership of the orangutan, writes Taiga.Info. According to the publication, the office of the Siberian plenipotentiary of the head of state received an urgent request from the office of the Siberian plenipotentiary of the head of state to prevent the orangutan from becoming a symbol of the New Year’s capital. After that, Shilka took the lead even though she was moved to a zoo in Japan in 2015.
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