Afghan radio station Hareem Zan in the country’s northeast Badakhshan province has reopened after being shut down amid the Taliban’s rise to power. About it informs RIA Novosti with reference to one of the employees.
He said that despite the fact that management said that the stoppage was due to financial difficulties, the real reason was fear of the Taliban, since the radio has 11 female employees. However, due to the fact that the new authorities did not ban women’s voices on the radio, Hareem Zan’s activities were resumed.
According to the non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF), since August 2021, when the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, more than 230 media outlets have been closed, about 6,400 journalists have lost their jobs, this has especially affected women: four out of five journalists are no longer working.
At the end of December 2021, the Taliban, who seized power in Afghanistan, fired dispersed protesting women who demanded food, work and education.
Previously reportedthat the Taliban abolished the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. In addition, they have banned music in cars and women without a hijab, it is forbidden to play live music at weddings in Afghanistan, and men and women are now required to celebrate in separate halls. In early January, a terrorist group banned women to visit public baths in the provinces in the north of the country.
In Russia, the Taliban is listed as a terrorist movement, but the state media have been instructed to remove the label from reporting on the Taliban. Instead, when mentioning the Taliban, it is necessary to write a footnote – “The organization is under UN sanctions for terrorist activities.”
Former Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declaredthat the statements made by representatives of the Taliban movement during their talks in Moscow allow us to say that these are “sane people”. Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the unblocking of money in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan in European banks. Russia Today also published a debriefing column in which the Taliban were named Handsome of the Year.
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