A native of Dagestan, Hiramomed Magomedov, who is serving time in the Komi penal colony, went on a hunger strike because of a violation of his rights. Magomedov was previously sentenced to nine years in a strict regime colony, accused of terrorism and extremism as part of an investigation into the case of the Islamic movement Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami. Memorial’s human rights activists recognized Magomedov as a political prisoner.
In the colony, Magomedov is not given food, clothes and is not transferred to the camp from a single cell-type room (EPKT), where violators of the order are kept, told “7×7” sister of the convict Patimat Magomedov. Hiramagomeda has no lawyers.
“In” eshke ” [ЕПКТ] no connection. The lawyers told me that they could not help my brother because he had such [тяжелые] articles,” said Patimat Magomedova.
According to her, Magomedov has been in the EPKT since July 2021 and “they simply don’t pull him out” from there. The woman added that they tried to transfer her brother “twice already” to IK-25 in Syktyvkar, but were returned to the premises again. She is sure that he is not being transferred to the colony on purpose.
Patimat Magomedova turned to Memorial for help and intends to submit applications to the prosecutor’s office and other departments.
Relatives of the prisoner link the charge of terrorism against Magomedov with his social activities. Magomedov, who has an incomplete higher economic education, was one of the leaders of the Union of the Just public organization. He participated in actions against corruption in Dagestan and tried to organize a rally against racism in Moscow.
According to investigators, since 2008 Magomedov has been a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir al Islami (HT) structural unit. During a religious meeting on July 19, 2013, in a conversation, he involved an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nuraliev V.R., who was embedded in KhT, in committing a crime qualified under Art. 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (forcible seizure of power).
On May 23, 2015, Magomedov was taken to the police department in the Leninsky district of Makhachkala to draw up an administrative protocol, where, during a personal search, a combat pistol with three rounds of ammunition was found in his pocket. Magomedov himself claimed that the weapon had been planted on him.
According to Magomedov, during the arrest he was handcuffed and put in a car. There, a bag was put on the detainee’s head, and an object was put into his hands, which was then tucked into his belt. At the police department, it turned out that the object was a gun.
Magomedov also said that he was beaten during the arrest, and he was not provided with medical assistance.
The accused was charged Part 2 of Article 282.2 (inparticipation in the activities of a banned extremist organization), Part 2 of Article 205.5 (inpart in the activities of a terrorist organization), Part 1 of Article 205.1 (involvement of a person in the commission of crimes under Articles 205, 206, 208, 211, 277, 278, 279 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); Part 1, Article 30, Article 278 (Ppreparing for a violent takeover), Part 1 of Article 222 (nillegal circulation of firearms and ammunition”) UK RF. On July 3, 2017, Magomedov was sentenced to 9 years in a strict regime colony.
Magomedov was sent to serve his term in the Murmansk region, and in November 2020 he was transferred to a colony in the Komi Republic.
Human Rights Center “Memorial” thinks Magomedov a political prisoner, since he is being prosecuted on charges of an offense, the event of which was absent. Magomedov’s right to a fair trial was also violated.
HT was banned by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 14, 2003 as “terrorist organization”. However, neither in the court decision, nor in the materials of the criminal cases investigated in Russia and the CIS countries, there are no specific facts that testify to the terrorist or any kind of violent activities of the organization. There is also no evidence of HT involvement in the activities of jihadist groups in Europe or the Middle East, human rights activists emphasize.
According to them, the only country besides Russia where HT is banned as a terrorist organization is Uzbekistan, where the corresponding court decision is dated 2016.
In Western countries, the activities of HT are not limited. Only in Germany there is an administrative ban on the work of HT structures, but it is associated with anti-Israeli publications and statements.
In the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003, three paragraphs are devoted to the activities of HT. They only say that HT declares the creation of a worldwide Islamic caliphate as the goal of its work and conducts “massive Islamist propaganda.” However, these formulations alone cannot serve as a basis for recognizing an organization as a terrorist organization, human rights activists emphasize.
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