Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov in his Telegram channel published a document listing the amount of funds that the republic received in 2021, including from the federal center. Kadyrov himself, speaking of his indispensability as head of the region, insists that the republic receives about 375 billion rubles for “maintenance” – he simply summed up all the figures in the document, and omitted that one of the figures is the region’s own income. In fact, Moscow transfers three times less money to the republic. And even so, Chechnya remains among the leaders in terms of subsidization among the regions of the Russian Federation.
“Let’s start with the fact that we are talking about 375 billion rubles,” writes Kadyrov. – Please note that this is the full figure of the entire budget system of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Chechen Republic and we are talking about the federal content of the republic, and not just about the consolidated budget of the region. Again, it’s about content. Here the maintenance and territorial branches of federal authorities (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Pension Fund, etc.), the Pension Fund, the Medical and Social Insurance Funds. This figure is absolutely not cosmic. And the same content exists in all regions of Russia.”
However, Kadyrov omits the fact that Moscow’s “net” subsidies for the needs of the republic (except for replenishing the Medical Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund) and the Kadyrov government, according to the document he published, amount not to 375 billion, but 102.7 billion rubles. Another inaccuracy of Kadyrov is that this figure is “not cosmic.”

According to the director of the regional program of the independent Institute for Social Policy Natalya Zubarevich, the entire volume of transfers (gratuitous aid) to Chechnya for the whole of 2021 is about 120 billion. explains Zubarevich. – As for the statements that this figure is “not cosmic”, and the same content exists in all regions of Russia, this is not so. The volume of transfers is larger only in Dagestan, Yakutia and Crimea, but they also have a larger population, except for Yakutia. But for example, the Tver region received less than 25 billion in 2021.”
Separately, it is worth noting the volume of filling the Pension Fund, which, according to Kadyrov’s document, is 105.6 billion rubles. According to Zubarevich, this is a very strange figure – judging by the published document, the income of the PFR in Chechnya exceeds subsidies to the entire region: “This could mean that Chechnya does not pay insurance premiums to the fund at all or receives a disproportionate amount of money for pension payments. In fact, Kadyrov simply took all the expenses of the Pension Fund in Chechnya, not taking into account the receipt of insurance payments from the territory of Chechnya. There is data on the PFR only for 2019 – receipts to the PFR from Chechnya amounted to 92 billion rubles. Spending of PFR funds in Chechnya is 101 billion rubles. This means that the difference was covered by transfers from Pence. fund of the Russian Federation. This difference is 9 billion rubles. Kadyrov simply took and summarized. You can’t count like that.”
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