Economist of the Tambov organized criminal group
freidzon rememberedthat it was Traber who was then the link between the Tambov organized criminal group and the mayor’s office:
“Ilya just combined some business skills (trading in antiques, working as a bartender in a beer bar) and an understandable and often grotesquely accentuated gangster image: it was just strange that he pedaled it, which other representatives of the underworld of this level did not do. He served as a link, knew how to more or less coherently talk, add, subtract and multiply numbers, calculate percentages. <...> During the formation of PNT and OBIP, he took an active part in this. I think he was the link between Kumarin, Vasilyev and the people who worked in the mayor’s office.”
According to Freidzon, Skigin finally handed over the terminal to the control of the bandits in 1997-98, and when Skigin died in 2003, the Tambov people, in the struggle for his share, staged an attempt on Freidson (he was wounded, but survived) and forced him out of business.
Western companies flying through Pulkovo transferred payment for fuel to Sovex to the Liechtenstein offshore Horizon International Trading, which owned Sovex and Sotrama in Monaco. When did Monaco start examination money laundering of the Tambov organized crime group, this led to a ban on the entry of Skigin (in the case file, he was listed as “Traber’s man from the Tambov organized criminal group”). According to the Monaco police, Skigin “brought Traber to the Côte d’Azur.”
The fact that in Monaco they were not happy with the Tambov money upset Traber, he seems to seriously want to be considered a businessman: “In Monaco, they also called me a gangster. 14 years we find out. Because the Monegasque judge pointed me to the French police, and those 14 years refuse and do not want to give out the names of those who then, in 1996, gave them alleged information about me. It is said that this will harm the security of France.”
Ilya Traber said that he applied to the ECtHR and speaks about it as if he had already won the case:
– It turns out that you have three fronts. One in Spain, one in France, one in Monaco.
— No, everything is over in Monaco. They lost. In France there is, but my claims are already in Strasbourg.
Indeed, it was possible to find a case dated 2017 in the file of cases of the ECtHR “Traber from St. Petersburg against France”. The case is merged with 16 other complaints against France and concerns requests for disclosure of information related to “national security”. Judging by the complaint, which The Insider got acquainted with, Traber demanded the disclosure of the sources of the French intelligence services that linked him to the crime. Even if the ECtHR grants this claim (which is unlikely), it will hardly help Traber’s reputation.
Also, in the same interview, Traber claims that he is not a defendant in the Troika criminal case in Spain about the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group. But from the indictment it follows that he is still accused of money laundering and is listed as a evader. Simply put, the Spaniards found out the origin of the funds invested in Traber’s villa in Mallorca.
The case of money laundering by Tambov in Spain was conducted successively by several investigators and investigating judges. This, for example, is the famous investigating judge Balthazar Garzon and his colleague José de La Mata, but Traber is especially annoyed by the investigating prosecutor José Grinda. Traber even tried to sue him for libel and, of course, failed, but took out his anger on Russian journalists, whom he sued for quoting Grinda:
Is your struggle important for the political power of Russia?
You want to make a hero out of me. If it is important, then I should be given a medal. I don’t know how important it is, how interesting it is. It’s hard for me to say. But if I smear this asshole prosecutor in Spain, then, I think, I will bring some benefit to my homeland. Because it’s way too loud. <...> And most importantly, let’s name the main problem, this problem is Spain. These guys of ours referred to a Spanish journalist who printed out an interview with the Spanish prosecutor who is pursuing a case against me and against 30 Russian citizens. On the territory of Spain, I could not bring this prosecutor and this journalist to justice. The courts refused. An open denial. They denied me a libel suit against a prosecutor who said I was going to kill him and his family. They said it was not slander. And here our media printed all this on its own head. And I didn’t have to scatter: one media, the second, the third … And most importantly, this is a civil lawsuit. So, according to the 1990 Convention between the USSR and Spain, this decision will have to be recognized on the territory of Spain. After all, in my lawsuit against our media there was a lawsuit indirectly both against those prosecutor’s statements and against the Spanish journalist. I saw a chance. Because, having received a positive decision for me here, I am going to use it as an argument for my defense on the territory of Spain. That’s all.
What is the name of this prosecutor?
His last name is Grinda. He is a dirty man,” Traber said quickly and lit a cigarette.
In fact, the lawsuit against the Business News Agency, satisfied last year by the Dzerzhinsky District Court in St. Petersburg, did not help Traber in any way in the court against Grinda. But more importantly, the information about Traber’s gangster biography did not appear at all from the newspapers and was not an invention of the Spanish prosecutors, but was quite official. As before already wrote The Insider, investigating prosecutor Juan Carrau showed a certificate from the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office about Leonid Khristoforov and the murder of Pavel Kapysh, provided to the Spanish Prosecutor’s Office as part of international legal assistance in 2009 (at the beginning of the investigation of the Troika case in Spain):
“During the period of formation in 1991–93, the Baltic Financial and Industrial Group (BFIG) maintained relations with the Tambov OPS (organized criminal community). The OPS exercised control over the activities of the company and covered up illegal operations with oil and oil products. Starting in 1999, Kapysh began to pursue an independent policy, going into open conflict with Tambov OPS economist Ilya Traber».
Recall that in addition to the leaders of the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group (such as Gennady Petrov, Ilya Traber, Sergey Kuzmin), Spain put on the wanted list the co-founder of Rossiya Bank, State Duma deputy Vladislav Reznik, as well as Police Colonel General Nikolai Aulov (formerly deputy director of the Federal Drug Control Service). The list of other well-known figures who kept in touch with the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group at the time of the Spanish investigation (late 2000s) included Anatoly Serdyukov (then Minister of Defense), Viktor Zubkov (then Prime Minister), head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin and Igor Sobolevsky ( then his deputy), Leonid Reiman (then Minister of Communications) and Sberbank President German Gref. As a result, 17 accused employees of Petrov, Malyshev and Kuzmin and also deputy Vladislav Reznik appeared before the court. In total, the investigation charged them with money laundering of the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group in the amount of approximately $50 million.
Despite the huge amount of evidence presented by the investigation, the Spanish court sensationally found most of the defendants innocent, including the leaders Petrov and Malyshev. But for Traber, this was little consolation, since the court recognized the very existence of the Tambov organized crime group and he personally remained in the case file as an “economist of the Tambov organized criminal group” and at the time of publication of this material remains wanted in Spain on charges of laundering criminal funds. And although Traber assures Russian journalists of his readiness to prove his innocence, to come to Spain to testify, for some reason he is in no hurry.
Fake businessman, real billionaire
In an interview, Traber not only calls himself a businessman, but also claims that he would be at least in the first 40 businessmen in the Russian Forbes list (that is, in fact, he estimated his fortune at more than $ 2.5 billion). At the same time, Fontanka itself explains Traber’s fortune by owning three enterprises: “According to open sources, all the assets of Traber I.I. are in the port and energy infrastructures of the Leningrad Region. These are UPC Primorsky, the Baltic methanol project in Ust-Luga, JSC LOESK.
However, it is unlikely that the ownership of these assets allowed Traber to become a “heavyweight of Russian business,” as Fontanka calls him. So, “Baltic methanol” has one employee, “UPK Primorsky” – 11 employees, and only JSC “LOESK”, in which Traber owns a stake, is indeed a successful power grid company, bringing the owners about a billion rubles a year, but to get into the Forbes list this, to put it mildly, is not enough.
At the same time, in the same interview, Traber states that over the past six months he has earned no less than half a billion dollars. This is definitely impossible to explain with official Russian assets. While Traber touts his entrepreneurial skills in interviews, nothing in his business career hints at that.
In 1990, Traber started as an antiques dealer, then worked at the Zhiguli pub (at the same time that Kumarin was also “bottling beer”), then became chairman of the Rus cooperative (later co-founded Rossiya Bank, also known as ” bank of Putin’s friends, among the founders of which were the leaders of the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group and people from Putin’s inner circle)
But in the 90s, Traber was known not as an antique dealer or beer, but as an “authority” who controlled the “Sea Port” of St. Petersburg, through which smuggling, including cocaine drug trafficking, was actively transported. Much indicates that during this period Traber was in close contact with Putin. An interesting detail, as Alexei Navalny found out, in the 90s, Lyudmila Putina sent faxes to her girlfriend from the port number:
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