The Yandex.Food, Yandex.Go, and Yandex.Lavka services related to household services are included in the register of information dissemination organizers. On this drew attention of Roskomsvoboda.
Now, in accordance with the provisions of the Yarovaya Package (374-FZ), Yandex services will be required to collect and store user data, including correspondence, images and audio, and also transfer them to government agencies and special services upon request.
“From the point of view of the special services, this is quite logical. Another thing is that this somewhat discredits those services that force the transmission of this data. They have nowhere to go – either they agree and enter themselves into this register, or, if they refuse to cooperate with the FSB, they will be blocked on the territory of Russia, ”said Artem Kozlyuk, head of Roskomsvoboda, in a conversation with The Insider.
He also added that, according to the Constitution, the secret service has the right to request data from the organizers of the dissemination of information only by a court decision, however, as practice shows, this is not always observed.
“In fact, there are cases when a court decision is either signed retroactively, or in some informal requests, which VKontakte is famous for, where law enforcement officers can request information about certain persons by correspondence. There were cases when VKontakte employees gave out this information outside of formal procedures, but this is the area of responsibility of the services and special services themselves,” Kozlyuk added.
Yandex services – Yandex.Mail, Yandex.Disk and Yandex.MyCircle – were first included in the register of information dissemination organizers in 2014. Later, Yandex.Zen, Yandex.Realty, Avto.ru, Yandex.Market and Beru.ru were also added to the list.
During the existence of the registry, hundreds of different Internet services have been included in it – both sites and forums, as well as instant messengers, file sharing and dating services. In addition to Yandex services, the list includes such major services as Tinder, VKontakte, Peekaboo, GetContact and others.
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