The Ministry of Culture has prepared a project aimed at “preserving and strengthening traditional values” in Russia. It follows from the document published on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts.
The draft “Fundamentals of the State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values” has been at the stage of public discussions since January 21. Traditional values are defined in the document as “moral guidelines” that are “passed down from generation to generation and ensure civic unity.” The authors of the project referred to such “spiritual bonds” as patriotism, service to the Fatherland, historical memory, “high moral ideals”, “priority of the spiritual over the material”, collectivism, “continuity of generations”, “unity of the peoples of Russia”.
The project of the Ministry of Culture is also aimed at “countering the spread of destructive ideology”, ensuring “Russia’s moral leadership in international relations” and strengthening “Russian identity”. The document also talks about raising children “in the spirit of traditional values” and “protecting the institution of marriage as a union of a man and a woman.”
According to the explanatory note, the document was developed in accordance with the National Security Strategy, approved by presidential decree of July 2, 2021. This Strategy listed a number of threats that could hinder the preservation of traditional values in Russia. Among them, for example, are “the actions of the United States and its allies, transnational corporations, foreign non-profit organizations”, as well as extremists and terrorists.
The text of the project of the Ministry of Culture states that “the ideological and psychological impact on the citizens of Russia leads to the planting of a system of ideas and values alien to the Russian people and destructive to Russian society, which includes the cult of selfishness, permissiveness, immorality, the denial of the ideals of patriotism, Russia’s positive contribution to world history and culture.
The Ministry of Culture believes that the spread of “destructive ideology” leads to “self-destruction of society, weakening family and social ties, increasing social inequality, the spread of an immoral lifestyle, the use of alcohol and drugs, the distortion of historical truth, the weakening of the state-forming Russian people, the destruction of the system of value-semantic coordinates of the Russian language. In addition, “a destructive ideology undermines confidence in the institutions of the state, in particular
to law enforcement agencies and to the education system”.
According to the authors of the project, its implementation will lead to “saving the people of Russia.”
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