And all this about one reservation of Truss – a misused preposition. Well, it remains to be answered which institution issued her a diploma: this is Oxford University. She studied economics at one of the university’s oldest colleges, Merton. In her student years, she was the leader of the university branch of the Liberal Democratic Party, but this is Oxford, it is impossible to graduate from it “on the party and Komsomol line”, and the party was not the most influential: the only time in its history it entered the ruling coalition a decade and a half after studying Trass. Truss became a member of the Conservative Party after receiving her diploma.
After graduating from university in 1996, Truss worked as an economist, and only in 2010 started her political career: she was elected to parliament. She first took up a ministerial post in 2014, becoming Minister for the Environment and Agriculture in the government of David Cameron. In the government of Theresa May, she was the Minister of Justice, and then the Chief Secretary of the Treasury, in the government of Boris Johnson, she was the Minister of Foreign Trade, the Minister of Women and Equal Opportunities, and since September 2021 she has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Such reshuffles are quite common in a Western democratic system, where a minister is a political leader, not an expert in any particular field.
Kiselev’s speech sounds pretty bold: how can one not recall the current Russian leader, who graduated from the law faculty of Leningrad State University – an institution, frankly, less prestigious than Merton College – and during his studies he was distinguished only by sports achievements, and then made a career through the KGB .
But most of all got from Kiselyov to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky:
“Let’s talk about comedians in world cinema and about a comedian at the head of state, which has been in the daily headlines of all the world’s media for a week now. From everywhere only Ukraine and Ukraine. There the president is a comedian. The comedian who stopped being funny. <…>
Previously, over his numbers laughed until you drop. Here, for example, how original the comedian Zelensky performed, while still in the profession, the anthem of Ukraine. When there are two musicians at the piano keyboard, then such a game is called “four hands”. And here you don’t even know how to properly define this duet. For starters, the pianists take off their pants. They raise their hands high, and now the melody is flowing, as if played with one finger. However, no, two. And now I want to ask when Zelensky was real, singing the anthem of his country, when he was without pants or when he was still in pants?
The program shows a fragment of the show “Evening Quarter”, in which Zelensky and his partner repeat room American comic duo The Freaking Brothers with imitation of playing the piano with the help of an intimate part of the body. Humor, of course, is not of the highest standard, but that’s not the point. The anthem of Ukraine is played in the performance, while Zelensky, at the same time, unrhythmically, across the music, twitches and shouts “Mesdames et messieurs, attention!” This is explained simply: in fact, there was no anthem of Ukraine in the issue of the Evening Quarter. An unknown craftsman put music under the video of the Evening Quarter in 2016. In the original recording, just like with American comedians, the performance is divided into three musical fragments: sound primitive waltz known as Chopsticks, habanera from “Carmen” and “Hava nagila”.
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