Russians have a relatively low level of trust in both public and private institutions, and thoughts about the financial situation in the near future do not cause optimism. This follows from another study report Trust Barometer, which is held annually by the international public relations agency Edelman.
According to the study, a little more than a third of Russians trust the government, the healthcare system and business, and less than a third trust the media and NGOs.
The level of Russians’ trust in government and business is approximately the same – 37% and 34%, respectively. In terms of trust in the authorities, Russia has an average indicator in the group of countries where the population rather does not trust the authorities. As far as business is concerned, respondents in no other country showed more distrust than Russians. 36% of Russians trust the healthcare system, and this is also the lowest figure. The Central Bank is trusted by 40% of Russians surveyed, with only one country, Argentina, having a lower figure.
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