According to Yasnoy, it is precisely the lack of publications on mortality that sets people against vaccination.
“My personal attitude is the more information the better. Because when something is hidden from people, it seems shameful to them and causes more mistrust in vaccination as well. I am convinced that one of the reasons that there is a strong activator sentiment in Russia, despite the good Sputnik V vaccine, is that the Ministry of Health publishes very little information on vaccines. There is nothing surprising in this, the Ministry of Health does not like to share information at all, and if you look at what we sell in pharmacies, then the competence of the Ministry of Health raises serious doubts.”
In his opinion, the mortality rate among the vaccinated is low, this is confirmed by the study conducted by St. Petersburg doctors on the material of St. Petersburg hospitals.
“The results have been published in the scientific literature, these are not just unsubstantiated press releases. It was studied how many among the sick and dead were vaccinated and unvaccinated. And they came to the same conclusion – the effectiveness of Sputnik V against hospitalization and death is above 85-90%, that is, very high. Same as all Western vaccines. Now the situation is not worse, so there is no point in hiding any data.”
Yasny noted that the publication of open data would show people the situation objectively:
“It is clear that the vaccinated also die. 90% is still not 100%. And when a person hesitates whether to be vaccinated or not and hears that a friend of a friend was vaccinated and then died of the coronavirus anyway, this only supports his distrust of the vaccine and convinces him that he should not be vaccinated, because anyway it does not protect. If such a person looked at objective figures and saw that there is protection, if not 100%, but 90%, then he would go and take root. Therefore, I believe that it is very harmful not to publish such data.”
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