
State Duma deputy from United Russia, former world heavyweight boxing champion Nikolai Valuev headed the expert council under the Ministry of Natural Resources on specially protected natural areas. About it writes RIA Novosti.
In a conversation with Znak.com Valuev toldthat his duties in the new position will be correlated with work in the Duma Committee on Tourism. “What did you do [в комитете по туризму], and that’s what I’ll keep doing. [в экспертном совете при Минприроды]”, – said Valuev.
In 2013, Valuev posted several photos on Twitter from hunting in the south of the Arkhangelsk region. The photographs showed dead drakes, a bear and a beaver. The publication caused indignation among local residents, since bear and beaver hunting is prohibited in this region in the spring.
Later, on the fact of Valuev’s hunt, the ICR conducted a pre-investigation check, but in the end they did not initiate a criminal case. According to investigators, “beaver hunting does not cause major damage to the wildlife of the Arkhangelsk region,” while Valuev had a license to kill bears and drakes.
In addition, Nikolai Valuev was one of the authors law on the legalization of aviary hunting, and also supported amendments that allow the killing of Red Book animals in “exceptional cases”.
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