“They write that“ we have made an inquiry on these persons, there is no answer yet, ”and they grab hold of Filippov, says Dyachkova. “But we understand that this answer will not appear in the case materials.”
According to the lawyer, the prosecutor’s office, on the basis of an examination carried out by specialists from St. Petersburg State University, accuses Filippov of the fact that the posted phrase “incites hatred or enmity on the basis of a political and idiological orientation. At the same time, Article 20.3.1 of the Administrative Code, according to which Filippov is being tried to be brought, does not contain such a wording.
“The article talks about actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or a group of persons based on gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as belonging to any social group, – explains Dyachkova – Political views do not refer a person to a social group. Sociology has long since told everyone what a social group is. The article does not contain a broad interpretation ”.
The lawyer also explains that in fact this administrative article is the first step towards criminal punishment.
“Article 20.3.1 is partly decriminalized 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,” says Dyachkova. – If earlier for incitement or incitement to hatred they were brought under Art. 282, now they are involved in it when these acts are committed repeatedly throughout the year.
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