In the Kemerovo region, people cannot buy coal to heat their own homes. One of the residents reported on social networks that she was refused because the sale of fuel depends on Moscow. Many responded in the comments that they have been facing such a problem for years. On this drew attention publication “Taiga.Info”.
“They came to order coal at 98 Kuznetsky Street. They said that no contract had been signed with Moscow and it was not known when they would sign it. Without this agreement, they cannot write out coal for us, – told subscriber to the public “Incident. Kuzbass”. – How is it in general ?! Should Moscow give us permission to buy its own coal? It’s winter outside, coal is running out. Should pensioners buy fuel in bags at twice the price? “
According to another subscriber, Armen Avatesyan, he faced the same problem two years ago.
“I called the head office, they told me literally that“ We are an LLC, we want to sell coal, but we want not, ”Avatesyan writes. – It angered me. Then I called the department of the coal industry (both of the above offices were in the same building), I passed the words from the gortop to the head of the department, to which he replied, “Well, yes, and what moment do you disagree with … and in general, what are you have a relationship to the coal industry “. I then reminded him that the subsoil of the Russian Federation primarily belongs to the people. He was speechless for a few seconds, after which he began to make excuses that he was a small man and did not decide anything. The problem was never resolved. By the way, both the first and the second advised me to go to the Siberians and buy coal from dealers, for which I suggested to both chiefs to go to the Siberians and stand there.
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